Dear Friends,

We happily announce a unique, new opportunity to search for archival information about Jewish ancestors from Kiev Gubernia. The search  must be done in Latin letters only. To maximize your results, carefully read all of the sections of this page before you start.

For current information click HERE

For instructions how to search click HERE

We have extracted and transliterated into Latin letters the names of all Jewish heads of households represented in the census. Please note that the database includes only these names. The full family information is not included. Upon your request, we will order a photocopy of the full family information for the listed individual from the archive. Photocopies will be sent no more than three weeks after payment is received. Click HERE for information on how to order and pay for photocopies.

If you believe that an ancestor lived in Kiev Oblast or any other area that we have at database  at the time, but you cannot find him in our list, it does not necessarily mean that we don’t have information about him. It is possible that his name was listed differently. To know what to do in such a case, click HERE.

And also i want to mention that first development of this database was supported by the Avotaynu Foundation under sponsorship from Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Adam R. Brown, as well as from E. Randol Schoenberg, to whom special thanks is due.

But now only our family is supporting it.