In our Jewish Genealogical Database we have the next kinds of the documents: Census Tales (Revision Lists of different kinds) and Metrical books (Vital Records, Rabbinates Books, Jewish Perish Books)

By NOW we had indexed the archive documents by the next regions:

Jewish Genealogical Database Uploaded Content
Jewish Genealogical Database by Nadia Lipes: Uploaded Content – November 2019


  • Russian Empire Population Census 1897 for Kiev Gubernia (full): Fond 384 from Kiev State Archive
  • Russian Empire Population Census 1897 for Odessa (partly): Fond 2 from Odessa State archive
  • Army Jewish Census 1875 for Kiev Gubernia and Podolskaya Gubernia (full ): Fond 12 from Kiev State archve and Fond 226 from Chmelnitskiy State Archive
  • Census Tales 1795 – 1858 for Kiev Gubernia (full), for Odessa city 1850 (full) and for Volyn Gubernia census 1858 (partly): Fond 280 from Kiev, Fond 3 from Odessa and Fond 118 from Zhitomir State archive
  • Census Tales for Vinnitsa city (full)
  • Census Tales for Shargorod city (full)
  • Different additional censuses from Kiev Gubernia ( look like regular censuses):/ Fonds 1, 1248 and 1260 from Kiev State archive


  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Belaya Tserkov, Vasilkov uezd (full): Fond 1158 from Kiev Historical arhive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Kiev city (partly): Fond 1154 from Kiev Hisorical archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Chernobyl (full): Fond 1167, 1240 from Kiev Historical archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Gornostaypol (full): Fond 1167, 1240 from Kiev Historical archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Odessa city (full): Fond 39 from Odessa State archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Balta city (full): Fond 920 from Odessa State archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Priluky city (partly): Fond 1530 from Chernigov State archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for different shtetls in Podolskaya Gubernia (full) from Vinnitsa State archive: Kitaygorod, Kopaygorod, Yampol, Shargorod, Myastkovka, Illintsy
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Vinnitsa city (full): from Vinnitsa State archive
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Tulchin (full) 
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Elisavetgrad (full) 
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Crimea (partly)
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Chernyachov (partly) 
  • Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) for Novograd-Volynskiy (partly) 


  1. Metrical Books (Rabbinates, Vital Records) are about birth, marriage, divorce and death. In the death record, as a rule, appears age. But in the Metrical Books of Podolskaya Gubernia and Kiev city, the age also appears in the marriage records, so be careful.
  2. In the birth records, as a rule, in the notes column the name of the child is indicated, and in the main line the name of his father.
  3. In the marriage records, as well as in the divorce records, the name of the bride and groom and the place of their registration appear.
  4. Actually, you need a place of registration in order to then search for censuses of the relevant locality.
  5. In a Census Tales (Revision Lists), as a rule, all family members are indicated.
    But in the Army Census 1875 there is no female part of the family, but the previous place of registration is indicated in it.
  6. The Russian Empire Population Census 1897 indicates the place of birth of a person, all members of his family, including servants, and his occupation.