1. We cannot guarantee the quality of the document as the light in archives is poor, storage conditions are bad and pencil records fade. We trade information, so we can only guarantee that the document we send you would be readable. You need to remember, that we are not selling pictures. We are selling information. Picture is only proofing archival information. 
  2. Normally, the records are made in a written old Slavic language that is difficult to decipher. For this reason we recommend you to order translation services.
  3. A photocopy costs 30€.
  4. A translated (English) photocopy costs 50€. The translation could be done in any other language upon your request. The price would be negotiated individually.
  5. If you are ordering Vital Record, the price of photo-copy is going to be 30€  and 40€ with translation.
  6. We commit to providing a photo-copy within a month after the payment. In case of successful payment, you would get an email confirmation, what could be considered as a reference point. 
  7. If for any reason a photocopy cannot be provided within one month, we will inform you about it. If you are not satisfied with the date of execution of the order, you are entitled to request a refund or indicate which photocopy you would like to receive in return (in accordance with the amount paid)
  8. We appreciate any and all donations, as without them we would have no way of providing this service. We rely heavily on the generous support from our users.