Our database consists of Jewish surnames out of census documents and vital records (metrics). As a rule, the whole family can be found on a page underneath the head of the family name, but this is not always the case. For example, if somebody with your family name appears on the result page without his/her age specified, it is likely that the data was taken from the list of homeowners. In such case, you cannot obtain any additional information about the family of this homeowner from the photocopy. You can only learn where exactly your ancestor’s house was located. If the age is specified, this also cannot guarantee that the rest of his family will be listed together with him. (e.g. your ancestor could have rented the room in the house belonging to other people, or could have been working somewhere without his family).

The database contains only heads of families. If the head of the family dies, then his eldest son or any other male person will be used as his replacement. Only if there are no men in the family, a woman will appear in the database. We cannot guarantee that you have the entire family on the original document, because your ancestor may have been visiting, or may have been with the employer, but, as a rule, family members are present in the original record. We do not guarantee the perfect quality of photocopies, because the documents are generally poorly preserved and there is practically no light in the archive room, but we guarantee that the documents will be readable.

The database does not contain the names of specific cities and counties, because descendants, as a rule, do not know reliable information about the place of residence of their ancestors. Focus solely on the name of your ancestor, and not on its place of living. For example, most often the imaginary natives of Odessa were born, in fact, in Elisavetgrad, Nikolaev, Balta and Kherson. And marriages quite often took place in cities not related to the place of birth of children.

Vital records could be marriages, divorces, birth and death records.




The search in the database is done according to the following transliteration (Russian sounds are written in Latin letters)

А = A, Б = B, В = V, Г = G, Д = D,  Е = Е , Ё = Y,  Ж = ZH  or Z ,  З = Z ,И = I.  Й = Y
К = K , Л = L, М = M, Н = N, О = O, П = P, Р = R, С = S, Т = T, У = U, Ф = F, Х = CH, Ц = TS,Ч = CH (  Attention, the same as Х), Ш = SH, Щ = SHCH,Ъ and Ь = no marking, Ы = Y (the same as  Й), Э = E (the same as Е), Ю = YU , Я = YA

e.g. Рабинович – would be recorded in the database like Rabinovich, Куперман = Kuperman, Лейбович = Leybovich, etc.

For extra or obscure vowels, use an asterisk (*). In particular, it makes sense to look for the surname Ayzenshtat as A*zenshtat. And any other similar surnames that appear in the additional letter Y. You also need to exclude doublings and write an asterisk instead of the second repeated letter.

Surnames like Ashkenazi can be spelled in any way. From Ashkenazi to Ashkenus or even Askenuz – and it is one and the same family, sometimes. So it is advisable to check all spellings.

Some surnames in the database are written with a dash sign (/). This suggests that we cannot assume the sound of the surname. The handwriting and preservation of the texts is in such bad condition that it is almost impossible to read. Therefore, sometimes we practically guess the spelling.

If you find an entry you are interested in, you need to check the box next to it. Then, at the end of the list, the amount that you will have to pay will be displayed, and a field for your email address, to which the entry you are interested in will subsequently be sent. If you are not sure if you can read a purchased entry, we recommend that you to check the Translation box further. Then, along with the photo, you will receive a transcript of the deed entry you need. By default, translation is done in English, but you can also write to us and order a translation into almost any European language

If you are not sure if the found entry is exactly related to your ancestor, there is nothing we can do to help you. But we can offer you a consultation option.

The cost of one consultation is 200 euros.

During a conversation on Viber or WhatsApp, our employee will be able to advise you on all the funds of our database and advise you to purchase exactly those documents that are related to the history of your family and in the required quantity for possible further search.

You are going to recieve your order during 3 weeks